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Painting: Georgiana Negoiță https://www.facebook.com/imperfectissm.art |
There is that cute story about the golden fish. Yes, the one you catch and makes three wishes come true for you. I know this story ever since I was a child and I must admit I was fascinated every time I was going fishing with someone from the family brecause I was thinking how will it be if I would catch that damn fish to make come true at least one wish, not three.
Throught life I believe we've all been adressed this question: If you'd catch the golden fish, what you would wish for? Back when I was a kid I think I would wanted silly things....and a big house for my family.
Now, I can only think about it for 30 seconds, sigh slightly with an ironic smile and a bitter taste inside me and wish for the following: I'd wish...I'd wish people would stop hating eachother and start being nice with each other, I'd wish the strongest ones will stop puting monopoly on the weak ones, I'd wish the strong ones will use their power to acomplish great things and not to spread punches, I'd wish the wars would come to an end, I'd wish humankind will stop taking advantage of these beautiful innocent creatures called animals, I'd wish people will become more sensitive to a stranger's hungry stomach, I'd wish people will start finding solutions, instead of choosing the easiest way, which is mostly the most painful one, I'd wish the euthanasia of the strayed dogs will stop, I'd wish we will think more about the true important things in life and not the imagined ones, I'd wish we will emphasise more on feelings and not on material things, I'd wish we'd wish to find our purpose in life, I'd wish we'd wish to start the most beautiful journey of our lives which is finding ourselves, I'd wish we will become more sensitive and open our hearts and eyes a little bit more, I'd wish we will put some shoes on some bare feet, I'd wish we will realy cherish the bread from our tables, I'd wish that occasionally we will make a small donation instead of buying that most wanted Gucci bag, I'd wish we will find ourselves and be aware of the realy important things in life, I'd wish we will bring spring into our souls and summer on other people's faces, I'd wish men will stop to breake women's hearts and viceversa, I'd wish we will take every exprecience as a lesson, I'd wish we'd wish to change something in the world.
How nice it would be to be an inspiration for someone! And for this we don't need a gold fish, but beautiful hearts.
I'd wish....
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